Pigment Types:
Pans - available in full, half, and quarter size. Excellent choice for painting on the go.
Tubes - ready to use. When covering a large area with a watercolor wash, this is a better choice than using pans.
Liquid - Not generally lightfast and highly concentrated.
Pigment Color Index:
Color Index (C.I.) is the international standard code for each pigment. It states whether a color has been mixed from a single pigment or more than one.
C.I. helps clarify the same name, different manufacturer ordeal. Each manufacturer produces their colors from different pigments. Conversely, colors made from the same pigment may be given different names by separate manufacturers.
Pigment Key
PY - pigment yellow
PO - pigment orange
PR - pigment red
PV - pigment violet
PB - pigment blue
PG - pigment green
PBr - pigment brown
PBI - pigment black
PW - pigment white
What is the difference between professional and student grade pigments?
Professional quality pigments have less filler and more color than student versions of the same color.
Color Characteristics:
With watercolor especially, it is less about the color and more about the characteristics of a particular color. Learn to evaluate pigments by their characteristics and make more educated decisions when choosing a color for a palette or painting.